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11 comments to Saturday

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    A man denied permission to have solar panels on his home is battling a 2,200 acre solar farm next door – with plans involving a duke and friend of the King. Tony Ward has lived in his Grade II listed property in Chippenham, Wiltshire, for twenty years – with the building, mentioned in the Doomsday Book, standing for 400 years.

    In 2005, he requested permission to install a small number of solar panels on the family log barn to help compensate for the costs of their ground source heating. He says the council denied his request because it would mean hot air balloons flying above would not be ”able properly to read the way the house had developed over the centuries”.

    But now Tony and thousands of other residents say they are being faced with plans for Lime Down Solar development – which they have dubbed a ”nightmare”. The proposal would see 2,200 acres of four-and-a-half metre high solar panels across several sites – as well as “enormous” battery storage units and cabling in their “peaceful and tranquil” countryside.


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    And that brings me to the reason for this article, as maybe I can now provide further evidence of the extent of the scam and the role mainstream media (and even myself unwittingly) played in it.


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      And yet, they can’t give it up:

      Climate Gobbledygook: ‘Experts’ Pontificating Mitigation Failure

      From MasterResource

      By Robert Bradley Jr.

      Ed. note: With the US-led demise of Net Zero and “energy transformation,” prior attempts to come to grips with climate futility and energy reality are worth revisiting. This article, “Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven’t We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?” (Annual Review of Environment and Resources: Vol. 46, 2021), is an example of a faulty worldview, a vastly overbuilt academic climate network (23 authors), and an inability to seriously deal with critical views of climate alarm/forced energy transformation.

      Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven’t We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

      Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990.


      1. Despite three decades of political efforts and scientifically informed warnings of the likely catastrophic effects of climate change, CO2 emissions have continued to rise globally and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990.

      2. Since the first IPCC report was published in 1990, more anthropogenic fossil CO2 has been released into the atmosphere than previously throughout all of human history.

      3. The failure of leadership, particularly from within high-emitting countries, sectors, corporations, and individuals, has locked in intra- and intergenerational suffering and long-term existential threats to livelihoods and ecosystems.

      4. Entrenched geopolitical, industrial, and military power and associated mindsets are fundamental barriers to effective mitigation.

      5. Orthodox schools of thought and research traditions (including highly constrained forms of modeling), particularly in the fields of economics, energy, and climate mitigation, need to be challenged and replaced with, or complemented by, more heterodox approaches.

      6.Three decades of choosing to fail on mitigation have shifted the climate challenge from a technocratic adjustment to business as usual to requiring a rapid, system-level change within both industrialized and industrializing societies.

      7.Transformations toward more sustainable and just futures require a radical reconfiguration of long-run sociocultural and political-economic norms and institutions currently reproducing the very problems driving climate change.

      8.Attention to equity, high-carbon lifestyles, and conditions for enabling new social imaginaries has the potential to disrupt dominant, high-carbon development pathways.'t_We_Bent_the_Global_Emissions_Curve


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    A leaflet from our local council justifying the latest increase in household rates, makes the claim that recycling 9 orange peels creates enough energy to fully recharge a laptop.

    I tracked it down to this study

    It seems rather ambiguous so I hope somebody here can confirm if that headline is as misleading as I suspect it to be.


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    Well worth a listen. I came across Dave Collum in his discussions with Tom Luongo.
    Collum is a professor of chemistry at Cornell. He opens this discussion with his views on climate change.
    Commodity Culture: Banned on Youtube: Where Are the MILLIONS of Missing Children?
    Show notes:
    Dave Collum has a lot of questions about the millions of children that go missing every year, and his research has led him down some very dark rabbit holes that led him to political elites, Ukraine, and the royal family. Dave also discusses why he believes the climate change agenda is a complete hoax, along with providing his thoughts on how radical gender ideology has been able to infiltrate mainstream society.


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    David Maddison

    NBN, Australia’s national broadband network, was always going to be a disaster because it was yet another case of politicians making engineering decisions.

    And legislation is already in place, to tax competitors to NBN like those who deliver broadband services via 5G or satellite so they can’t be cheaper, although I’m not sure if it’s being applied yet.

    Highest costs, lowest speeds make NBN a financial albatross for Australia

    On the current trajectory, the NBN may be ultimately regarded as one of the worst investments in Australia’s history.

    The national broadband network has been a financial disaster for Australia, delivering among the highest-costing and lowest-speed internet in the world. It, like many of the so-called big reforms of the past 20 years, will be an economic and productivity albatross around the necks of Australians for generations to come.

    Earlier this year, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland announced that the Albanese government would inject a further $3 billion of taxpayer funds into the NBN to “fund the upgrade of Australia’s remaining national fibre-to-the node (FTTN) network”. This $3 billion would supplement $800 million of NBN Co funds to “deliver access to higher internet speeds for around 622,000 additional premises” by 2030.


    Australia is being bankrupted by functionally illiterate and innumerate politicians continually making engineering and scientific decisions. This madness must stop.


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      It would be cheaper to tell people to join Starlink. And get Telstra to make their handsets work with Starlink.

      Then tax all happy Starlink users to pay for the NBN extension. Fibre to the outback. And don’t forget to thank the traditional owners.


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    Irony overload. In Germany now as in America, if you want to protest against Elon Musk in the approved manner, you set fire to a Tesla using petrol? What a waste! Surely that should be a standard software function?


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    Does the UK need a DOGE event?

    One example, but it is certainly tempting to think – yes, a DOGE event would be beneficial!
    That occurred under the useless Tories.
    Sir Starmer is talking a good talk about more government efficiency. That’s easy.
    Will he walk the walk?



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    David Maddison

    I have coined a new acronym to describe Leftists who now hate Musk because he’s trying to save the American taxpayer money.

    Since it’s always a comorbidity with TRUMP Derangement Syndrome (TDS), I call it TEDS, TRUMP and Elon Derangement Syndrome.

    Sadly, there’s no know cure.


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